English – Page 72 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups



Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme 2018 Award Presentation Ceremony

Hong Kong youngsters are full of innovative ideas and passions. However, when it comes to making a career in the innovation and technology industry, they still need to amass experience and expand their visions. Organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, jointly supported and sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Committee, and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, the Innovation and Technology Scholarship Award Scheme (the Scheme) has been set up. Since 2011, 25 innovative minded university students were selected every year, and each was awarded with HK$150,000 as their scholarship. Furthermore, tailor-made training programmes were provided […]

報名「Summer School for Future Skills」獲早鳥優惠

Summer School for Future Skills 2018 致力透過全方位教學擴闊參加者視野。「趣味學習」與「學習趣味」元素均嵌入在課程設計中。其他工作坊包括:數碼領袖培訓、農耕體驗、製作環保酵素與太陽能稻草人、AR及VR入門、STEAM全息投影體驗、從烹飪學科學、大數據運用、人工智能與黑客初階、非撞式欖球體驗、創意繪畫等。 早鳥價:HKD9,998 ( 於4月24日, 晚上11時59分或之前填交網上報名表,並完成繳付HKD 120 申請費用者,均可享用活動費用早烏優惠。)  


切勿錯過優先網上報名及快速報名清單安排! 記住重要日子,做好報名準備!    

HKSSPC 2018 Final Judging cum Award Presentation Ceremony

Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2018, enrolment this year reacheda record-breaking participation by 1,000-plus students in 300 teams from nearly 90 secondary schools. Jointly organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum, and supported by the Innovation and Technology Commission and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, HKSSPC’s Final Judging cum Award Presentation Ceremony and Project Exhibition was held in Hong Kong Science Park today (14 April 2018), where the winners fromthe Junior and Senior Divisions of the competition were announced. […]


  每年在全港挑選200名青年領袖,過去11年合共培育2,200名青年領袖 全港超過85%的學校曾推薦學生參加《計劃》 透過必修及自選培訓活動全面提升學員的領袖能力 培育青年領袖「願意為香港」的心志 參加資格 香港中學四年級或以上之全日制學生 在校內現任或曾擔任領袖崗位之職務(領袖崗位包括總領袖生、領袖生、學生會主席或幹事、學會會長或幹事、社長或社幹事等) 具備願意服務社會的心志 在品行、學業及非學業活動上表現優秀 具義務工作或服務社會的經驗 良好語文及溝通能力 由就讀中學的校長推薦(每間學校提名人數不限,但最終獲取錄的學生將不多於五名)  


臨近SEM尾,又present又paper又exam,聽到都大壓力,發夢都夢見deadline,不過今年繼續有我哋【SEM尾.撐你】撐!住! 你! uTouch網上外展輔導服務伙拍JLMusic歌手吳林峰,加上大專生busking組合Last Minute,闖入各大專院校同大家打打氣! 同場派發 Hottestloveshop專程設計既打氣貼紙,以及即場製作乾花擴香石!   uTouch 網上外展輔導服務 電話︰2788 3444 網站︰utouch.hk


  講題:《家長知多DSE》 主講:曾志滔先生 香港輔導教師協會主席 日期:3月24日 (星期六) 時間:下午2:30-4:30 地點:香港知專設計學院           講座簡介:面對眾多升學出路選擇,家長可以主動了解學制及多元升學出路,在文憑試放榜前與子女做好準備。升學輔導專家將為你分析最新升學情報,講解不同程度課程特色,助你與子女攜手計劃前路。   *親子對談環節 按我報名   講題:《快樂父母百科》  主講:何念慈女士 臨床心理學家 日期:4月14日 (星期六) 時間:下午2:30-4:30 地點:香港青年協會大廈演講廳   講座簡介:父母面對的壓力不比青少年少,家長可以先調整情緒和心態,與子女在有限時間裡作更佳互動,促進溝通質素。臨床心理學家何念慈女士將於講座與你分享正向父母貼士,助你陪伴子女共同面對生活挑戰。   *親子對談環節   按我報名 講題:《職場未來通通識》 主講:徐玉珊女士 ManpowerGroup大中華區高級副總裁 日期:4月21日 (星期六) 時間:下午2:30-4:30 地點:香港專業教育學院(黃克競院校)   講座簡介:科技發達,世界瞬息萬變,令人力市場亦不斷變化。家長可以早着先機,了解未來社會發展,以及所需之知識和技能。ManpowerGroup大中華區高級副總裁徐玉珊女士,將與家長分享職場最新景象,讓家長協助子女發揮所長,無懼社會劇變。 按我報名

The Dragon Foundation Golf Tournament

日期及時間︰2018年5月18日(星期五) 上午9時至下午4時 地點︰觀瀾湖高爾夫球會東莞會所利百特球場 開球禮於早上9時舉行   Date & Time︰9am – 4pm on 18 May 2018 (Friday) Venue︰Leadbetter Course, Mission Hills Golf Club Dongguan Clubhouse Tee-off ceremony at 9am   報名及詳情︰http://www.dragonfoundation.net/Golf2018.htm  

Multicultural City: diversity and ethnic minorities in Youth Hong Kong March 2018

Interviews, insight, perspectives from South and Southeast Asians individuals, concern groups and the Equal Opportunities Commission; on racism, non-Chinese immigrants, discrimination, inclusivity and identity. Read online youthhongkong.hkfyg.org.hk


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