English – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups



Youth Hong Kong Magazine: The New Career Playbook



由星島日報舉辦之「星鑽服務大獎」,表揚香港服務業的翹楚精英,勉勵各得獎公司機構團隊上下於過去1年的努力和成果。頒獎禮已於3月21日圓滿舉行,合共頒發63個大獎,涵蓋5大類別包括「銀行金融服務」、「保險服務」、「社會民生服務」、「消閒生活服務」及「關愛服務」。   香港青年協會榮獲「關愛服務」大獎組別。本會作為香港最具規模的非牟利青年服務機構,將繼續努力為青少年提供專業而多元的服務及活動,實踐今年65周年「信青年‧建未來」的理念。

Our deepest condolences

It is with great sadness we learnt about the passing of Dr Lee Shau Kee, GBM, a long time friend, supporter and cheerleader of young people in Hong Kong. Through his partnership with The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, we were able to provide educational, recreational and development programmes to youth all over the city.   We are honoured and humbled that by allowing us to use his name – the HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College, the Lee Shau Kee Primary School and the Lee Shau Kee Youth Exchange Fund – his legacy of service will be remembered. Thank […]



The HKFYG Leadership Institute Celebrates Fifth Anniversary with New Pacific Economic Cooperation Initiatives and Greater Bay Area Partnerships

Housed in the revitalised former Fanling Magistracy, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) Leadership Institute marks its fifth anniversary with a two-day celebration. Distinguished community leaders, government officials and representatives from educational institutions came together to witness new milestones, including the launch of the “Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation Youth Programme,” the signing of partnership agreements with institutions in the Greater Bay Area, and the expansion of heritage guided tours showcasing the conservation efforts in the North District. These initiatives reinforce the Institute’s commitment to nurturing young leaders rooted in Hong Kong, connected to the nation, […]


特區政府剛發表最新財政預算案,就創新科技、北部都會區、經濟發展、人才培育、關愛共融等範疇提出財政資源的建議。為鼓勵年青一代關心社會事務,積極參與表達意見,青協M21網台推出「預算案ONLINE@M21」直播節目。   有中學生詢問政府會否設立旅遊專項基金,以推廣舊區或特色地區的文化發展。財政司司長陳茂波表示,政府會提供資源,協助各區推廣獨特文化,並提到自己在深水埗區長大,認為該區文化特別。   多名中學生關心與自己相關的議題,如校服價格及補習費用上升、DSE考試費用沒豁免、學生津貼取消,以及大學學額競爭劇烈等,期望政府能提供支持措施及援助。   對於啟德體育園桌球賽後催促觀眾離場的事件,有中四學生詢問政府是否有措施避免出現類似情況。陳茂波回覆稱,「同類情況不會再發生」,並認為前線人員已經汲取足夠經驗。   財政司司長陳茂波與260多名中學生、大專生及在職青年互動交談,分享他對公共財政策劃的心得,並了解青年的回應和看法。

Transforming outdoor education for today’s young trailblazers: Fung

At The HKFYG Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp, outdoor education is being redefined. Moving beyond rope course, orienteering, and the like, the campsite has been transformed into a “playground” where young people can learn, grow and connect through unique experiences. At the helm is Fung, the camp’s unit-in-charge, whose journey began as a part-time coach with a love for “fun” and “play.” Today, he channels this passion into a bold vision, empowering his team to express, experiment and execute ideas fearlessly. This philosophy fuels the camp’s innovative approach to youth development. From STEM camps to beach cleanups and […]

Hang Seng Bank x HKFYG’s “Seek Our Ways” Ideation Programme Hosts “Leaders’ Dialogue”

The “Seek Our Ways” Ideation Programme, fully supported by Hang Seng Bank and organised by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) Leadership Institute, hosted three sessions of “Leaders’ Dialogue” at The Mills Fabrica on 8 March.   Nearly 300 secondary and tertiary students engaged enthusiastically with community leaders from various fields who shared their valuable experiences and insights on three key social themes: “Environment and Sustainable Development,” “Promoting Sports for All,” and “Elderly and Wellness.”   The dialogues, titled “Moving Forward: Unlocking a Sustainable Future,” “Living Vibrantly: The Power of Sports for All,” and “From Health to Happiness: […]

青協「科學嘉年華:Science in the Mall」登陸荃灣

科學於日常生活中無處不在,只要發揮創意,勇於探索與實踐,任何人都能活用科學知識貢獻社會。香港青年協會創新科學中心將於3月15至16日在荃灣D‧PARK舉辦大型免費公眾活動「科學嘉年華:Science in the Mall」,透過一連兩日多項精彩有趣的STEAM主題活動,帶領大家踏上奇妙科學旅程,共同發掘未來的無限可能性。   特色科學遊戲攤位   快閃競技激發無限潛能 嘉年華設有兩大免費互動遊戲區:「STEAM快閃挑戰區」精心設計多項特色遊戲體驗,包括智能手勢追蹤系統、遙控四足機械人、液壓機械臂及模擬小醫生微創小手術等,讓大小朋友親身感受科技帶來的嶄新體驗;「micro:bit競技挑戰賽」則是一場揉合體能、科技及創意的大比拼,挑戰者將運用micro:bit 編寫程式闖關,挑戰一系列刺激又好玩的競技競速項目,激發創意與潛能。成功完成以上遊戲挑戰的參加者可獲精美禮物,各位大小科技達人萬勿錯過! 免費STEAM親子工作坊  動手解鎖奇妙科學 嘉年華將舉辦共12場免費STEAM親子工作坊,涵蓋不同科學主題,包括「奇妙光感燈」、「小小獸醫:羊隻手術體驗」及「光之無限迴廊」等,更設有動手體驗環節,旨在啟發小朋友創意,家長亦可享受親子暢遊科學的趣味時光。部分工作坊由「創新科技獎學金」得獎大學生義務執教,傳承知識及回饋社會。所有工作坊均可免費即場報名,名額有限,先到先得。成功報名並出席工作坊之參加者將獲贈期間限定優惠碼,可用於報名該中心4月份的STEAM Voyage科學恆常班,延續新奇有趣的科學探索之旅。 奇妙科學劇場及AI神奇照相館   讓科學走進生活 秉承中心「以創意引領革新」的宗旨,嘉年華特別安排多場神奇有趣的科學劇場,展示科學與科技如何改善人類現今與未來生活,例如人工智能創造的未來、DNA與遺傳和演化的關係等內容。同場更設有廣受歡迎的「Snap & Create」AI照相館,透過目前流行的Stable Diffusion圖像生成技術,將參加者的合照幻化成獨特的AI生成照片紀念品。   「科學嘉年華:Science in the Mall」 日期:2025年3月15至16日(星期六至日) 時間:中午12時正至下午7時正 地點:荃灣D‧PARK 1樓中庭 (新界荃灣青山公路荃灣段398號) 費用:全免 網址:ce.hkfyg.org.hk   在創新科技署的支持下,香港青年協會創新科學中心自2009年起成立,並致力為中小學生、教師及家長提供一個集探索、研究及體驗科學與科技的一站式STEAM學習平台。秉承「以創意引領革新,以教育拓展才能」的宗旨,中心積極開拓多元化STEAM教學及培訓相關服務,包括工作坊及講座、全港大型科學比賽、科學優才培訓、教學培訓、公眾嘉年華及科學活動等,亦設有超過110個常設STEAM課程。自成立至今,中心已服務超過53萬人次,涵蓋超過71%的本地小學及84%的本地中學。想了解更多創新科學中心舉辦的STEAM活動,可瀏覽網站 ce.hkfyg.org.hk。


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