Latest News – Page 30 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

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Spring Festival Packages

Spring Festival is full of joy and happiness! It is one of the best moments to express your appreciation and thankfulness towards colleagues, families and friends in Chinese New Year. Get together at PH3 in this traditional festive season and be ready for celebration! With our cozy setting, relaxing balcony and convenience location in Wan Chai Lee Tung Street, PH3 is an ideal venue for your delectable party to share joy and welcome in the prosperous Year of the Dog! Spring Festival Venue Rental Charges: HK$500/hour (Minimum 2 hours booking required) Sit back and relax! Book your Spring Festival Celebration Venue […]

James Lau visited The HKFYG Jockey Club Wang Tau Hom Youth S.P.O.T.

  The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr James Lau; the Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Joseph Chan; the Chairman of the Wong Tai Sin District Council, Mr Li Tak-hong; and the District Officer, Ms Annie Kong, with youths participating in the “Community Sports Scheme” organised by the Jockey Club Wang Tau Hom Youth S.P.O.T. under the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups in Wong Tai Sin District on February 7. They were briefed on the services provided by the centre. They also chatted with young people and encouraged them to broaden their horizons.  

 Kevin Yeung visited The HKFYG Jockey Club Kin Sang S.P.O.T.

The Secretary for Education, Mr Kevin Yeung visited Tuen Mun District, where he called on education and youth facilities and met with local District Council members to gauge their views on education matters. Mr Yeung visited the Jockey Club Kin Sang S.P.O.T. of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to learn more about Neighbourhood First, which is a youth-led project to care for the local community, and chatted with its young volunteers. Established in 1992, the youth centre mainly serves young people aged from 6 to 35 and aims to equip them and broaden their horizons for all-round development by strengthening classroom learning, extending […]

Please Support: a cappella Musical Dinner 2018

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups a cappella Musical Dinner, part of the annual International a cappella Festival in Hong Kong, is all about enjoying a wonderful evening of talented young singers, while at the same time supporting the Federation’s hotline and online counselling services for young people who require immediate assistance in their moments of need. You are cordially invited to consider being a Table Patron or Sponsor at the Dinner. Each table of ten at HK$38,000, HK$58,000 or HK$88,000 will enable you to share this magical evening along with your family and friends and 300 other prominent guests. More […]


農曆新年將至,香港青年協會有機農莊特別為您呈獻賀年有機蘿蔔糕,實在不容錯過。以健康食譜烹調,選用全港唯一獲美國農業部國家有機標準認可的青協有機農莊種植的有機蘿蔔製造,配以蝦米、臘肉及臘腸等精選材料,成為狗年首選的賀年美點,並為您及親友送上健康和誠摯祝福!   不含味精、食用色素、防腐劑、精製糖、經漂白粘米及澄麵。   敬請留意送貨日期為2018年2月10日。   詳情︰
19/01/2018 Kong Marathon 2018

青協M21團隊和一班年青人在「渣打香港馬拉松2018」,為健兒們拍攝精彩一刻,大家可於1月24日或以後瀏覽 m21.hk下載相片。


香港青年協會參與由香港機場管理局牽頭的社區投資項目「EXTRA MILE 里‧想高飛」,首創「工作x假期@大嶼山」計劃 (Working Holiday@Lantau) ,透過與香港國際機場的業務夥伴、非政府機構及鄰近社區合作,項目旨在發展及培育人才、促進社會流動並推動機場及香港的發展。 「工作x假期@大嶼山」計劃為青年安排為期一年於機場工作的機會。計劃同時加入探究活動,如義工活動、社區探索等,並提供免費住宿及學習津貼,協助參加者尋找未來的人生路向。 對象︰ 18歲或以上;及 工作經驗不多於3年;及 有意於機場島工作,並期望透過全新的生活模式,重整人生。 詳情及報名︰


「香港青年協會賽馬會社區體育計劃」透過團隊運動,培育青年健康體魄,鍛鍊意志,並以創意走入社區,感受嶄新的運動體驗。該計劃舉辦第二屆全港青年社區體育節,已於1月7日假香港體育學院舉行團跑比賽,吸引近千名青年參與。 相片下載

<青年 空間>雜誌︰傳承美麗舊年華

香港各區各處,即使是一條村莊、一條街道,都盛載著獨特而珍貴的歷史文化;不少卻慢慢被忽略、遺忘。生活在都市化的香港,事事講求快捷便利,在節奏急促的生活下,往往與不少「近在眼前」的珍貴事物擦身而過。 只要保持一顆好奇、尊重、欣賞的心,你定會發現,有些事物,即使在時代巨輪洗禮下,仍然值得我們珍惜與承傳。 今期<青年 空間>雜誌,帶領我們一起尋找、發掘社區不同角落裡,值得傳承的歷史文化。 生於斯,長於斯。有一種責任,叫傳承;由我們年輕一代肩負下去,薪火相傳。 線上閱讀按此


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