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由2019年起,青協持續進修中心部分課程將會新增荃灣區上課地點,方便大家上堂。   進修課程: 伸展及運動治療證書課程 中醫食療保健養生證書課程 物理治療瑜伽證書課程 藝術治療輔導證書課程 Zentangle®與心靈治療 遊戲治療(Play Therapy)入門應用課程 初級Playgroup導師證書課程 寵物按摩治療證書課程 青協荃灣室內體育中心 地址:荃灣海盛路祈德尊新邨商業中心三樓  交通指引: 港鐵荃灣西站A2出口往祈德尊新邨方向步行約5分鐘 港鐵荃灣站D出口往荃灣廣場方向步行約20分鐘 開放時間: 星期一 : 下午2時至6時 星期二至六: 下午2時至晚上10時 星期日及公眾假期: 休息



【Exclusive Opportunity】Singapore Lee Kuan Yew School Scholarship

Registration for 2019 starts now: CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS Programme Content for 2018: (English only) FULL Scholarship to study Master’s Degree in Singapore We are happy to share that The HKFYG Leadership Institute (The Institute) and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) at the National University of Singapore, ranked 1st in Asia and 22nd in the world, will join hands to nurture Asia’s next generation of public service leaders,equipping young talents professionally with wider vision and international exposure to tackle challenges of the future better. Up to 2 shortlisted candidates nominated by The Institute who are successful in their applications and admitted to LKYSPP will receive Full Scholarship for their studies in the LKYSPP covering: Tuition fee […]



“Belt and Road Challenge” Inter-school Contest

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is organising the “Belt and Road Challenge”, an inter-school contest to be produced and broadcast by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), supported by the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region (HKSARG) and the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG), and co-sponsored by MTR Corporation Limited. The programme will be broadcast on TVB Jade every Saturday at 7:30pm starting from 1 December. More details:


愛心湯水能為人帶來溫暖。今年秋冬,青協再度聯同200位青年義工,一起烹調3,500碗美味時令愛心湯,並以小組形式,上門送予基層家庭及長者,同時亦於元朗及天水圍設置街站,為鄰舍街坊送上熱湯以滋潤身心。你的捐助,不但能支持烹調愛心湯的經費,亦能表達社會大眾對鄰舍的關懷。請即支持,一同發揮「鄰舍第一」精神!   捐款HK$100 = 支持10碗愛心湯予社區人士及可獲電子心意卡。 捐款HK$500 = 支持青年義工探訪8戶獨居長者或低收入家庭及可獲電子心意卡。 捐款HK$1,000 = 支持青年義工製作100碗愛心湯或探訪17戶獨居長者或低收入家庭,及可獲電子心意卡和一同參與探訪。 詳情︰

“InnoCarnival 2018” Officially Opens Today

 The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) today announced the official opening of the nine-day event, InnoCarnival 2018 (IC 2018), at Hong Kong Science Park. Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan; Acting Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Dr David Chung; the Permanent Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Mr Cheuk Wing-hing; the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Ms Annie Choi and other officiating guests officially kicked off IC 2018 and enjoyed the innovative opening performance. From today through 11 November (Sunday), the public are welcome to visit and participate in an array of […]

<青年 空間>雜誌︰ 想像未來

天馬行空的想像,往往帶來無限可能。可是,現今教育制度側重應試,在缺乏創新文化的氛圍下,對於「想像」,青年似乎漸漸忽略。 今期<青年 空間>雜誌訪問了數個香港發明家的故事,有小學生、中學生、至大專生及在職人士。透過對生活的觀察,啓發想像。 生活,需要一份好奇心與想像力;只要憑著對生活事物的好奇與想像,你也能夠運用創新思維,解決需要、改善現有生活,令未來變得更美好。 網上電子版 到 以 下 地 點 免 費 索 取< 青 年 空 間 > 雜 誌

Open up: round-the-clock counselling

A first for Hong Kong, Open up works exclusively on the internet and mobile phones. It makes it easy for young people to be in instant contact with counsellors. Accessible 24/7, it also fills the gap left by other suicide prevention hotlines for those who are desperate. Collaborating partner: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, University of Hong Kong Funded by: The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Offered by: HKFYG, Caritas Hong Kong and The Boys’ & Girls’ Association of Hong Kong Website WeChat :hkopenup Facebook Page :hkopenup Instagram :hkopenup


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