When learning can be for its own sake, for enjoyment or to acquire fresh and useful life skills, it can become a lifelong journey for everyone. Youth Hong Kong Magazine looks at this kind of learning for living, here in Hong Kong and around the world. They share stories from the perspective of tutors and students who take part in the many interest classes that are offered. What is apparent is that this has practical implications for the future. Online version
青協生活學院新一期課程概覽現已出版,搜羅青協各單位於2017年12月至2018年4月期間開辦的多元化生活課程。 大家可於青協轄下各服務單位取閱,報讀心儀的課程,一齊享受生活、學習生活! 網站︰lla.hkfyg.hk
A new platform for donation online to HKFYG here:giving.hkfyg.org.hk Crowdfunding: Ensures a smooth launch for creative youth projects, made possible by combined donations from you and others. Monthly donations: Empower youth yo pursue lasting dreams because you give on a long-term basis. One-off donations: Enable us to respond directly to the changing needs of youth, anytime, anywhere.
5 catty of seasonal crops which may include in various combinations: Lettuce, Choi Sum, Kale, Broccoli, Green Papaya, Beet Root, cactus soup package, herb cookies (150g) and Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (473 ml). Hamper will be delivered on 18/12( Monday) or 21/12 (Thursday), please state the delivery date when placing an order. Deliveries: Monday 18 December and Thursday 21 December Deadlines: 2pm 16 December for Monday delivery 2pm 20 December for Thursday delivery More details: organicfarm.hk/products/christmas-hamper Enquiries: 2838 4808
It could be a choice for private party (25 persons Max.) if you are looking for a place with natural decor and friendly service plus healthy tasty menu. Started with $3500 ( no service charge, 3 hours provided with signature food and drinks. Please bring your own bottles of wine as there is no cockage fee in promotion period. Should you have any inquiries, please call 3104-9134. Address: G/F, 60, Staunton Street, Central, Hong Kong More details: facebook.com/HKFYGFATCHOY
Organic 21 推出了一系列的聖誕禮盒套裝,總有一款適合你送給朋友。 Amazin Indulgent Gift Box內包含非常有營養的焗燕麥,再加種子果仁乾果、杏仁醬、健康零食和混合乾果。 網上購買: https://www.organic21.hk/collections/christmas-gift-set/products/indulgent-gift-box 或 親臨門市購買: 中環士丹頓街62B地下 星期一、二、三︰中午12時至晚上9時 星期四、六︰中午12時至晚上8時 星期日︰中午12時至下午5時 星期五休息 如有查詢,歡迎致電3104 9284查詢。 其他聖誕禮盒套裝︰ https://www.organic21.hk/collections/christmas-gift-set
PH3 Christmas Party Packages Available from 1 December 2017 – 7 January 2018 Host a glamorous party this Christmas at historic building at PH3! Book ahead to enjoy our amazing early bird offers which provides you an unforgettable party experience at a friendly price. More details: http://ph3.hk/zh/2017/11/14/christmas-party-packages/
香港青年協會荃灣青年空間舉辦的荃青齊集「聲識藝」,榮獲「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃 2017」的傑出合作夥伴大獎,是5個特別大獎之一。 「滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃」自 2012 年推出以來,得到民政事務總署、社會福利署和香港社會 服務聯會的支持。計劃範疇涵蓋青年與教育、醫療衛生與健康生活、環境三大主題,以滿足 社區上的需求,創建可持續發展的社會。
「香港青年協會賽馬會社區體育計劃」透過團隊運動,培育青年健康體魄,鍛鍊意志,並以創意走入社區,感受嶄新的運動體驗。 其中一項主要項目「體育里數助人計劃」,歡迎任何年齡人士參加。參加者於網站輸入自己做運動的時數,網站將自動轉化1運動小時為20體育里數,每當收集1,000體育里數,便可支持基層青少年參加一項5小時的體育訓練課程。網站認可之體育項目種類非常多元,包括田徑、球類、體操、游泳及水上活動、舞蹈、體能鍛練活動(如武術、健身、瑜珈)及戶外活動等,均可轉化為體育里數。 詳情及登記網站︰cts.hkfyg.org.hk/files/cts/cts_sportsmileage