FULL Scholarship to study a Master’s Degree in Singapore The HKFYG Leadership Institute and Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) at the National University of Singapore, ranked 1st in Asia and 22nd in the world, are happy to join hands again this year to nurture Asia’s next generation of public service leaders through equipping young talents professionally with a wider vision and international exposure to tackle challenges of the future and Hong Kong better. The Scholarship nomination application welcomes ALL members or alumni of The HKFYG. Exclusive pre-assessment and assistance will be provided by LKYSPP to our nominees to submit the best application and stand a […]
香港青年協會社會創新及青年創業部將聯同 Facebook,為 18-35 歲有志或現為初創企業家舉辦「Instagram Academy」培訓課程,由 Facebook 專家解說上粉、Storytelling 出 post、落 Ad 等重要關鍵,於課程中講解 Instagram 全攻略,從而提升生意效益。 我們還會邀請 網絡人KOL 及成功在 Instagram 上創業的商家為大家分享 Instagram 創業歷程,以及舉辦兩場網上業務諮詢活動,讓各位能夠與 Facebook 專家業導師深入面談及交流經營網上業務的心得。 詳情:https://hkfyg.instagramacademy.hk 活動日期: 2020 年 12 月至 2021 年 4 月 (合共 5 次課程、2 次 Facebook Live 嘉賓分享、2 次 Facebook 專家諮詢及 1 次學員總結分享。表現優秀的學員,有機會於4月獲推薦與指定的香港小店會面並進行實習。) 課程內容: – Instagram 品牌經營攻略 (基礎班) – Instagram 品牌經營學堂:內容篇 (基礎班) – Instagram 品牌經營學堂: 內容篇 (進階班) – Instagram 品牌經營學堂: 品牌推廣篇 (基礎班) – Instagram 品牌經營學堂:績效營銷篇 (進階班) – Live for all:Instagram 成功創業者及網絡紅人 KOL 分享 – 網上業務諮詢活動 上課模式:Zoom 網上教學 對象:18 – 35歲;有潛質成為年青初創企業家及現為年青初創企業家者優先 教學語言:英語教材;以粵語教學 證書:參加者出席率達 80% 或上,可獲頒由香港青年協會及 Facebook 聯署的參加證書 活動費用:免費(按金HKD 500;參加者如出席率達80%或以上,協會將於活動完結後一個月內退回按金。) 截止日期:2020年12月11日(星期五) 立即報名:https://bit.ly/3pAUJzV […]
疫情下人人變廚神,對食材也是非常講究,有機有營更是理想選擇。恭喜青協有機農莊成為10間「2020至TOP有機零售商」得主之一。 香港浸會大學香港有機資源中心由2012年開始舉辦的「至TOP有機零售商」選舉,旨在表揚符合優良有機零售營運標準之零售商,籍以令本地有機零售業走向規範化及專業化,促進有機產品市場的健康發展。 選購食材或參觀青協有機農莊︰organicfarm.hk
This issue looks particularly at the effects of COVID-19 on young people’s life. We also interview parents and young employers facing difficulties. We hope that some of the stories we share will help shine a light into this dark tunnel. Online version
Covid-19 has created unprecedented distance between people. Let us invite you to join the #ShareASmile movement to close such a distance. By showing your beautiful smiles creatively – on top of the mask that you’re wearing – and taking a selfie and posting it on your Facebook/Instagram, you can spread your kindness and warmth across Hong Kong. When you #ShareASmile, a group of youth members from the HKFYG and Gingko House chefs will also join hands to distribute 10,000 meal boxes to those in need, especially the elderly.
「好義配.好義補」網上問功課平台自二月起為小一至中三學生提供即時免費線上學習支援。平台由企業、大專及高中義務導師輪流當值,至今為同學解答超過2,000條學術問題。於新學年,「好義配.好義補」全新加入Facebook Messenger以及LINE問功課服務,為各位同學帶來更方便的發問方式!無懼疫情反覆,開學安排如何,「好義配.好義補」會繼續與你共同面對!
踏入畢業季節,一眾應屆畢業生離開校園,成為「職場新鮮人」。 面對全球經濟大衰退,有人力資源顧問預計今年受疫情影響,求職或較往年更難。有大學生寄出二、三十封求職信,一直沒回音;經濟轉趨低迷、市場減少招聘,青年求職,此刻頓失方向。 窮則變,變則通;面對就業困境,我們需要積極裝備,以增加投身職場的應變、靈活與彈性。有青年發展多元技能成為Slasher、有青年轉行從事專業主修以外的工作、有青年放眼香港以外的機遇。 本期雜誌邀請了5位青年,分享「疫」境中如何在職場保持應變、提升能力及調整心態。縱然求職前路會比以往崎嶇,但相信總會找到出路。
Fundraising Target Donate food packs, Support social distancing! Along with the resurging coronavirus wave, dining out is no longer an option. Some may be fortunate to have parents, spouses or domestic helper to cook for them. However, it is not that easy for elderly who live alone, old folks scavenging cardboard boxes for a living, or people who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, to have the resources to prepare a home meal. In addition, with a higher risk of infection, elderly are not advised to go out and purchase provisions of their needs. In view of that, we […]
Since 2009, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, with the support of the government’s Children Development Fund (CDF) and the wider community, has been helping vulnerable and disadvantaged young people aged between 10 and 16 to save and plan for the future, easing the burdens of intergenerational poverty. The programme encourages young people to save and then provides them matching funds giving them the opportunity to not only learn the benefits of financial planning, but also to use the money for their own personal development. This year, with Hong Kong facing so many unprecedented challenges, we will be encouraging […]