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香港青年協會總辦事處於2023年3月獲環境運動委員會頒發「香港綠色機構認證」之「減廢證書」及「節能證書」,表揚青協於日常運作中採用各種環保措施以達至減少廢物產生及能源消耗的努力和承諾。   香港青年協會已將可持續發展納入服務主流方向,積極推動青年關注氣候變化及愛惜環境議題。透過環境教育、行動實踐及帶領改變三個層面,以青年主導並動員青年力量,培育和啟發他們成為可持續發展的領袖,共同參與香港邁向碳中和,建立美好生活環境。

Google Career Certificates Program 2023

This year, Google Hong Kong in collaboration with The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and three industry partners, namely Fullness Social Enterprises Society (FSES), Hong Kong Design Centre and SME Lab have further enhanced the program by offering two new courses, doubling the amount of Google Career Certificates Scholarships to 2,000 scholarships and launching career support services to help youths to secure jobs in high-demand fields.    Google Career Certificates Program offers flexible online training for job-ready credentials to unlock career opportunities in the digital era. The certificates cover 8 high-growth areas:   Advanced Data Analytics [NEW for 2023] […]

HKFYG 2023-24 Annual Plan


Youth High Speed Rail Trip 2023

The much-anticipated Youth High Speed Rail Trip co-organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the Dragon Foundation is open for applications! 500 participants aged 35 years old and below will have the privilege to visit Guangzhou and Foshan over a two-day expedition. Part of the itinerary is lined up with ample networking opportunities; meaningful insights and visits to leading tech and science companies, while sightseeing to popular cultural spots will also be arranged for a full immersive cultural experience in the Greater Bay Area. The Youth High Speed Rail is about to depart! Let’s join hands together to allow more young […]


走入大自然,我們會將注意力放在四周的風景和環境上,心情會顯得格外平靜,五官也隨之而打開。   近年,探討大自然與健康關係的研究愈來愈多,當中有不少證實大自然有神奇的療癒力量,包括加強認知力和專注力,提升情緒健康和幸福感等。   即將迎來春天,正是萬物復蘇、展現生命力的季節。香港的自然景色多樣化,讓我們細心體察身邊的山嶺河流,一花一草,感受自然贈予我們的禮物。   網上閱讀本期雜誌

The HKFYG Low-Carbon Living Online Platform is now launched


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