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聯合國於2012年宣布將每年的3月21日定為「國際森林日」,旨在喚起人們對森林的關注,並呼籲各國政府、組織和個人共同努力,保護和可持續管理世界各地的森林資源。 配合「國際森林日」,香港青年協會可持續發展部獲工銀亞洲慈善基金贊助,在2024年3月16日舉辦「樹林保育體驗」,提高公眾對於森林保育的認識,並鼓勵社會大眾共同保護我們寶貴的自然資源。 活動當日,企業義工與一眾青年到大欖郊野公園大棠植樹區內進行樹苗護理,提升植林區植物多樣性及建立良好的樹林結構和生態功能,讓樹苗健康成長。通過教育和體驗,參加者能更深入了解森林保育的重要性,並啟發年輕一代對環境保護的關注和參與,成為未來的環保領袖。   實踐低碳生活,讓地球資源得以永續! 香港青年協會與工銀亞洲慈善基金攜手推出「青年減碳平台」,鼓勵及推動地區青年在生活上實踐減碳行為。透過簡單登記,記錄日常生活中減少碳排放的行為,定期輸入減碳記錄,同時更可檢視和培養低碳生活習慣。你的每一個減碳行為,都有助減少對環境的影響,協助保育環境,讓地球資源得以永續。

Youth Crime Prevention Centre received the Good Organisation Award





From a neighbourhood volunteer to a social work student, Aaron Yau embodies the essence and values of dedicated volunteering: witnessing and supporting the growth of others.   Five years ago, while still in high school, Aaron began his volunteering journey with Neighbourhood First and Youth S.P.O.T. Initially, he took on assisting roles, such as delivering supplies to the elderly and tutoring children. Through these experiences, Aaron established connections with many elderly residents, regularly checking in with them to fulfil their essential needs. Additionally, he gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by underprivileged families. Aaron realised that what might be an expensive meal for him […]




Can you believe a one-week volunteering could have a huge impact on your personality and make you more open to building connections with people of different backgrounds? Karen Yung (left in the picture), a passionate young volunteer who participated at the 6th China International Import Expo said yes. Her volunteering experience showcased the vibrant global outlook we all need in the youth community. During her time volunteering at the Expo in Shanghai, Karen’s responsibilities included guiding visitors at the exhibition entrance, assisting with logistics and medical-related exhibits, and pinpointing specific brand locations. Coming from Hong Kong, where volunteering mostly caters to foreigners, she […]

體育盛事的義工之旅:包璇怡 Noran

To Noran Pau, her volunteering experience at the Asian Games not only exposed her to a bigger world of media and international athletes but also forged close friendships with fellow volunteers from mainland China.   I never expected to connect with people from different places. The 18 other volunteers and I became so close that we even created our own volunteer section logo to represent our unity, Noran shared.   As a dedicated volunteer from the HKFYG who recently joined the volunteer crew at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, Noran found fulfilment in working with other passionate volunteers towards a […]

青協生活學院《好學·生活》—— 盼望


From Passion to Purpose: Wendy Chan’s Inspiring Volunteer Adventure

From a middle school student volunteering to kill time to a first-year college student shouldering more responsibility in serving the community, Wendy Chan’s seven-year involvement in the HKFYG has deepened her understanding of the power of volunteerism.   Starting as a Youth Ambassador primarily based in Tuen Mun, Wendy’s passion for volunteering grew as she became a media volunteer and helped with event photography. However, her desire to make a broader impact led her to join the HKFYG’s Neighbourhood First volunteer team. Here, she focuses on assisting the elderly by providing essential winter items like quilts and warm clothing. One by one, Wendy […]


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