Latest News – Page 5 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

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Making Changes through Sports: Lily

Making Changes through Sports Never would Lily envision herself leading sports projects and sweating it out with fellow sports enthusiasts. Thanks to the HKFYG, Lily, with a background in journalism and communications, unexpectedly found herself diving headfirst into the world of sports. Her journey began as a youth worker in Youth S.P.O.T., where she was given the opportunity to take on a sports project. This transformative experience turned Lily from a “hipster” into a passionate “sports leader,” propelling her towards the newly established Community Team Sports department at the HKFYG, where she eagerly embraced new challenges. Over 11 years at […]


「青協・會員易」(已完成系統升級及維護,全新版本現已登場,歡迎會員享用全新介面及功能。   提提您,現有會員首次登入時,需要進行會員身分核對,並重新設定登入資料,舊有帳號資料方會保留至新版本。   如有查詢,可瀏覽「青協・會員易」並於頁面右下方與網上客服查詢,亦可留意香港青年協會官方網站之最新消息公布。   現有會員   新會員登記步驟

Youth Hong Kong Magazine: Hong Kong Bites


From Skilled Volunteer to Passionate Social Worker

From Skilled Volunteer to Passionate Social Worker   Meet Jacky, a dedicated youth who has been actively involved in the Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme since his high school days. With a remarkable record of 630 service hours, he has earned the title of “Volunteer King.” Jacky’s passion for serving the community led him to become a social worker at the HKFYG, where he continues to make a difference and nurture the younger generation.   One of the greatest joys Jacky finds in his work is the camaraderie and support he experiences with his like-minded colleagues. He openly shares his […]


過去疫情拉遠了人與人之間距離,互動及交流亦減少,而義工服務成為了重要的契機,讓青年重新與外間建立連結,凝聚正面的力量,貢獻社會。香港青年協會義工服務平台「好義配」本年度近5,000名義工及50多個團體獲得嘉許,表揚他們的無私奉獻,付出愛心和熱誠。                                                                                                                                                                                                       […]


為提供更良好的服務及用戶體驗,「青協・會員易」(將在 2023年12月10至12日進行系統升級及維護,部分服務可能暫停使用。如需要登記會員、活動報名及查詢等,請務必提前辦理。 全新版本「青協・會員易」預計於2023年12月13日推出,將有全新介面及功能。  請留意香港青年協會官方網站(之最新消息公布。    



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