The HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest 2024 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

The HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest 2024

Imagine the possibilities when your voice is heard. Picture the potential when you embrace courage. The extraordinary champions of The HKFYG’s English Public Speaking Contest 2024 have shown us that perseverance holds the key to triumph in English communication and leadership.


Out of 1,500 talented individuals from 190 schools, Ting Tsz Woon and Benjamin Calvin Wu from Diocesan Boys’ School emerged as champions in the junior and senior divisions, respectively.


After three rigorous rounds of judging, a total of 10 students from the junior and senior divisions advanced to the final round. This stage demanded a 3-minute speech on a designated topic, followed by an impromptu Q&A session. The junior division pondered whether “happiness can enhance children’s well-being,” while the senior division was invited to share their thoughts on whether “happiness encompasses the courage to embrace criticism.” Additionally, the judges challenged participants with real-time questions to test their spontaneity.


With unwavering determination and resilience, Benjamin Calvin Wu secured the senior division championship on his third attempt. He acknowledged the invaluable lessons and growth each competition provided, honing his speech skills along the way. “Crafting an exceptional speech is undeniably the most daunting aspect as every participant was given the same topic” he shared. The key, he emphasised, was finding a way to stand out. The senior division champion will represent Hong Kong in The International Public Speaking Competition (IPSC) in London.


Ting Tsz Woon, the junior division champion, achieved triumph on his first attempt. Driven by a passion for studying English and a love for English shows and literature, his victory was no coincidence. He humbly attributed his success to learning from his peers and seeking advice, which continuously fueled his improvement.


Hsu Siu-man, the Executive Director of the HKFYG, expressed her delight as this year marked the 21st anniversary of the competition. She commended the active participation and fervent engagement of all the participants in English public speaking. Hsu Siu-man extended her gratitude to the English-Speaking Union (Hong Kong) for their continued co-organisation of the competition and thanked the 11 supporting organisations, teachers, parents, and volunteers for their unwavering support. She hoped that English public speaking training would persist in nurturing English talents, enabling students to express their perspectives with clarity and confidence, assume the role of guiding and influencing others through their speeches, and ultimately become future leaders.


Ms Andrea HALES, the Director English of British Council Hong Kong was the Question Master in the Q&A session testing contestants’ ability to be spontaneous.


Leading the panel of judges in the final round was CM Chan, the President of The Law Society of Hong Kong. Accompanying him were Margaret Leung, the Chairman of English-Speaking Union (Hong Kong); Jennifer Ma, Council Member of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups; Dr Jose Lai, the Director of English Language Teaching Unit at The Chinese University of Hong Kong; and Emily Tsang, the Editor of Young Post at South China Morning Post.


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Junior Division


Name School
Champion    丁子桓

TING Tsz Woon

Diocesan Boys’ School
1st Runner up         李穆沂

LI Muk Yi

St. Paul’s College

2nd Runner up 林汶萱

LAM Man Huen

HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College
Merit        莫己霆

MOK Kei Ting

Sheng Kung Hui Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
Merit 張欣翹

CHEUNG Yan Kiu Claudia

Good Hope School (Secondary School)


 Senior Division


獎項 姓名 學校
Champion    鄔義宏

Benjamin Calvin WU

Diocesan Boys’ School
1st Runner up         談啓浚

TAM Kai Tsun

Kwun Tong Maryknoll College
2nd Runner up 夏美俐

Meerab MALIK

St. Rose of Lima’s College
Merit        周海澄

CHAU Hoi Ching Christine

Yuen Long Public Secondary School
Merit 嚴韋麟

YIM Wai Lun Warren

St. Paul’s College



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