2024 – Page 10 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

義務工作是改變世界的鑰匙?蔡廸龍 Daniel

Little did Daniel Cai, a recent graduate from Hong Kong Baptist University know that his volunteer experience at the Shanghai Expo would bring him face-to-face with China’s remarkable development and the vibrant diversity of the world.   During his one-week stay in Shanghai, Daniel made friends with an international student from Panama, who shared his love for the Chinese language and culture. Their conversation made him realise the positive impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. He also had the chance to chat with merchants and discover exhibits from all corners of the globe, from exquisite carpets in Iran to aromatic […]

見證青年成長的包租公︰劉仲軒 Hins

Donning a helmet and stepping into the construction site with a mix of excitement and nervousness, Hins Lau, a novice in property management, embarked on his journey as the manager of PH2 HKFYG Youth Hostel.   Affectionately known as the 「landlord」 by the young tenants, Hins has taken care of complex accommodation administration issues such as rentals and property maintenance and fostered a tight-knit community where celebrations abound during festivities and birthdays. But it wasn’t always this way. Overcoming the challenges of a six-month journey and navigating the pandemic, Hins, transformed his relationship with the tenants from acquaintances to trusted […]

香港青年協會榮獲「年度十大最高義工時數 」獎項

香港青年協會於「香港義工獎頒獎禮2023」中,榮獲「年度十大最高義工時數 (非商業機構)」及「卓越金獎」兩個獎項。另外,青協李兆基書院及青協鄭堅固幼稚園亦榮獲「賽馬會眾心行善愛心學校」名譽;而本年度榮獲「傑出青年義工」的六名青年中,義工梁詠荍亦是青協領袖學院《香港200》的舊生之一。   由民政及青年事務局與義務工作發展局合辦的「香港義工獎」,旨在嘉許本地傑出義工及青年義工/團隊、企業、非商業機構、義工協作計劃、屋苑及學校,表揚他們對義務工作的貢獻和成就,共建關愛共融的社會。   青協透過不同的項目,包括「鄰舍第一」、「香港青年大使計劃」、義工推廣校園夥伴計劃等,積極服務社區,推動青年發展和社會福祉。其中「鄰舍第一」計劃讓來自18區超過3,000名青年組成超過100支鄰舍隊,學習及關懷區內不同社群,包括基層家庭及長者,年間服務受眾達5.7萬人次,重點活動包括「鄰舍團年飯」、「送米助人」米包領取計劃、「餸上門」飯餸送遞及「愛心買」生活用品配送等。   「香港青年大使計劃」自2001年成立至今,累積培育逾5,000名青年,駐守香港旅遊景點,向來自世界各地的旅客推廣香港的好客形象及多元旅遊特色;亦持續支援了多個國際性大型活動及賽事,去年部分大使更獲邀前往杭州亞運會及上海進博會提供服務。   同時,青協也積極透過「賽馬會眾心行善義工推廣校園夥伴計劃」,為全港中、小學提供有系統義工課程及體驗活動,加強學生對社會議題的認識,從小散播義工服務的種子。   青協致力拓展12項核心服務,範疇多元及各有特色,均著重青年義工的參與;其中「好義配」義工嘉許計劃,表揚於2023年活躍服務的個人義工、團隊、學校及機構,現正接受報名,歡迎申請。   更多資訊: 青協「好義配」義工嘉許2023(2024年1月26日截止申請):yvn.hkfyg.org.hk/volunteeraward 「好義配」義工配對平台:easyvolunteer.hk


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