The HKFYG releases results of “Encouraging Young People to Volunteer” survey – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups

The HKFYG releases results of “Encouraging Young People to Volunteer” survey



The HKFYG releases results of

“Encouraging Young People to Volunteer” survey

Launches a new “Easy Good Deeds” campaign

Turning small actions into big changes


  • The Youth Research Centre (YRC) of The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) today (24 September) announces the results of a survey undertaken among 1,082 local young people, titled “Promoting Youth Participation in Volunteer Work”
  • Consisting of an online questionnaire conducted from 12 to 22 July, 20 case studies and 7 focus group interviews with youth workers with extensive volunteer experience, the study surveyed a total of 1,082 HKFYG members aged 15 to 34


Key findings:


  • Changing patterns of volunteering – As societal norms evolve and lifestyle changes emerge, the expectations and motivations of young volunteers have undergone changes
  • Unchanging role of volunteerism – 89.1% of respondents agree that “volunteering plays a pivotal part in personal growth” and 86.0% express interest in volunteer work, rating their level of interest with a mean score of 7.18 on a 0-to-10 point scale
  • Time constraints bar youth from participation – Among those with prior volunteer experience, 45.2% haven’t participated in volunteer work over the last 12 months; 78.0% cited “time constraints” as the primary barrier to participation
  • Flexible volunteer options are desired – 39.6% of respondents favour flexible volunteer options; 80.2% agree that volunteering “anytime, anywhere” can spur interest; 87.6% think that “volunteering can be a part of life and a way of life”
  • Doing good is often a reciprocal act – Among those who have received help, 96.9% have given back by engaging in volunteer service; doing good can not only support those in need, but also create a virtuous cycle within the community





  • Translating passion into action – Volunteering is a ripple of kindness. Based on the survey findings, the HKFYG is launching a new “Easy Good Deeds” campaign to encourage the youth to incorporate acts of kindness into everyday routines. The good acts include:
  1. Give priority to people in need and ensure access to inclusive facilities for them (e.g. wheelchair spaces, courtesy seats, elevators and handrails)
  2. Support local charities on flag days and learn about their services
  3. Sort waste and wrap sharp or fragile items to lessen the impact on the environment and the burden on janitor staff
  4. Have a vegetarian meal and invite family and friends to join you
  5. Clean up a piece of litter in your neighbourhood
  6. Go plastic-free for a day and inspire family and friends to do the same
  7. Care for a classmate, colleague or friend of yours
  8. Donate used clothes, unwanted things or surplus food to the needy
  9. Support a local independent store or social enterprise and learn about its ethos
  10. Do good on your own initiative, such as offering help to neighbours or people in need around you


  • Turning small actions into big changes – With easily achievable goals, new motivating forces and participation pathways, the HKFYG hopes to sow seeds of kindness and ignite a passion for volunteering. Upon completing all 10 good acts, participants can redeem designated interest classes or workshops as rewards.




Chinese press release




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