義工服務的美妙之處︰邱智傑 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups


From a neighbourhood volunteer to a social work student, Aaron Yau embodies the essence and values of dedicated volunteering: witnessing and supporting the growth of others.
Five years ago, while still in high school, Aaron began his volunteering journey with Neighbourhood First and Youth S.P.O.T. Initially, he took on assisting roles, such as delivering supplies to the elderly and tutoring children. Through these experiences, Aaron established connections with many elderly residents, regularly checking in with them to fulfil their essential needs.

Additionally, he gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by underprivileged families. Aaron realised that what might be an expensive meal for him could be a week’s worth of food for others, highlighting the wealth disparity in society. This experience has reinforced his desire to make a difference in the lives of those in need.
Guided and encouraged by mentors, Aaron gradually assumed more responsibilities, organising activities at the local Youth S.P.O.T. during occasions like Halloween and Christmas. It was through these interactions that Aaron transformed from someone with “little character” to a passionate community servant. Aaron described the HKFYG as his second home where he gained a sense of belonging and invaluable life-long lessons.
“I used to feel anxious about interacting with people outside my social circle. However, through various volunteering services, I have overcome my introverted nature and developed the ability to communicate and show care for others,” Aaron shared.
One of the reasons that Aaron chose to pursue a college degree in social work is because of his experience in the HKFYG, where he was inspired by the power of volunteerism. He recognises that while volunteers may not possess professional expertise, their genuine desire to help others is invaluable, regardless of monetary rewards.
“That’s the beauty of volunteering. You never know how your seemingly small and trivial words and actions during volunteering can provide critical help to someone in their time of need,” Aaron emphasised.
Join Aaron in his mission to create a positive impact. Take action today and explore volunteering opportunities in your community here: easyvolunteer.hk












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