為未來燃點希望之火︰翁嘉穎 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups



Can you believe a one-week volunteering could have a huge impact on your personality and make you more open to building connections with people of different backgrounds? Karen Yung (left in the picture), a passionate young volunteer who participated at the 6th China International Import Expo said yes. Her volunteering experience showcased the vibrant global outlook we all need in the youth community.

During her time volunteering at the Expo in Shanghai, Karen’s responsibilities included guiding visitors at the exhibition entrance, assisting with logistics and medical-related exhibits, and pinpointing specific brand locations. Coming from Hong Kong, where volunteering mostly caters to foreigners, she seized this opportunity to engage with locals and learn about different cultures. Being a first-year nursing student, the most memorable aspect of Karen’s experience was the meaningful interactions she had with the local medical staff. Keren received a special badge from a local hospital’s Cardiopulmonary Department and learned about the medical environment in mainland China.

This eye-opening experience allowed Keren to witness the realities of mainland China and gain valuable insights. She discovered that Hong Kong has a more urgent manpower shortage in healthcare compared to mainland China. Realising this structural difference, Karen felt the need to be more empathetic to mainland medical professionals relocating to Hong Kong and recognise the difficulties they are facing such as the language barrier and increasing workload.

Karen also emphasised how volunteering can shape one’s career path. During the secondary school year, Karen felt lost and unsure about her future, but her involvement in various volunteer roles, including being a youth ambassador, exposed her to diverse people and their different occupations. This exploration eventually led her to discover her passion for nursing. Her transformation, from a confused teenager to someone who has learned so much through volunteering, inspired her to become a book of knowledge, constantly sharing and learning while maintaining a youthful mindset.

Are you ready to make a difference in your life and the lives of others through volunteering? Start your journey today and experience the transformative power of giving back. Join the volunteering community and unlock new opportunities for personal growth and meaningful connections here: easyvolunteer.hk











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