「世界青年科學及科技碗2021」總決賽圓滿結束 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups



由香港青年協會主辦的「世界青年科學及科技碗2021」(Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl, GYSTB 2021)總決賽於上週末順利完成。多達106支海外與本地中學生決賽隊伍聚首一堂,透過網上直播向全球觀眾展示其創新意念和研究成果,以解決各種社會問題。6支香港代表隊伍晉身決賽,其中2支隊伍分別於總決賽勇奪最高榮譽大獎金獎,成績斐然。


香港滬江維多利亞學校的隊伍以作品「蛤環保塑料」,從芸芸團隊中脫穎而出,勇奪生物及化學組別的金獎,隊伍利用本港常見的蛤殼廚餘 — 蛤殼轉化成一種生物可降解的塑膠以解決環境問題;而來自新加坡華僑中學的隊伍亦憑「Fabrication of Eco-friendly Cellulose – Reduced Graphene oxide Hybrid Aerogel from Various Fruit Wastes for Water Purification」奪得生物及化學組別的金獎,透過製作環保纖維 — 利用果皮淨化水及處理海水污染。


至於物理及工程組別的金獎,由香港宣道會陳朱素華紀念中學隊伍憑著「AR 愛心玩具識別學前讀寫障礙學童」獲得,隊伍作品為一個用來辨識讀寫障礙的遊戲應用程式。來自美國的Samyak Shrimali 也憑「Sanjeevani: A Novel Automated System for Hospital Acquired Infection Monitoring and Prevention」奪金, 研發全自動醫院預防感染系統 – 確保醫院人員的手部衛生合乎世衛要求,大大減低醫院內疾病傳播。








「Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl」由香港青年協會創意教育組創辦,比賽旨在為學生提供一個國際舞台,向大眾展示科學研究或發明品,並從中獲得互相交流的珍貴機會,提高青少年對科學與科技的興趣,啓發他們的科技潛能,以創新思維協力解決社會問題。






獎項 國家 作品名稱
最高榮譽大獎-金獎 香港 Sustainable Plastic via Clam Shells
最高榮譽大獎-金獎 新加坡 Fabrication of Eco-friendly Cellulose – Reduced Graphene oxide Hybrid Aerogel from Various Fruit Wastes for Water Purification
最高榮譽大獎-銀獎 菲律賓 PaperJuan: The Utilization of Bio-Wax Extracts on Non-Wood Material for Water-resistant Paper Production
最高榮譽大獎-銀獎 新加坡 Isolation and Characterisation of Human Proteins that Interact with the ORF10 Protein of SARS-COV-2
最高榮譽大獎-銅獎 香港 Plant Lipase Inhibitor
最高榮譽大獎-銅獎 愛爾蘭 An Analysis of Physiological and Running Metrics in 3km Cross Country in Comparison to Track and Treadmill
一等獎 澳門 A New Concept of Packaging-Solving the Problem of Excessive Plastic
一等獎 香港 Synthesis of Nanoparticles for Nitrite and Nitrate Decomposition in Wastewater
一等獎 香港 Converted Used Paper Into Blossoms
一等獎 新加坡 Artificial Intelligence Models for Predicting Statin-Induced Myalgia using Clinical and Genetic Factors
二等獎 印度 SMART: Stroke Monitoring and Rehabilitation using Technology
二等獎 泰國 Sustainable Innovation for Coffee Borer Beetle Control: A Cost Reduction, Safety and High Efficiency Approach for Hypothenemus hampei Protection by Using Spraying Control System for Volatile Oil Extract from Young Citrus Fruit Waste
二等獎 南韓 Investigating Differential Gene Expression Between COVID-19 Patients with Mild Versus Severe Symptoms
二等獎 愛爾蘭 Toxicological Investigation of Pesticides, Using Paramecium as a Model Organism
二等獎 土耳其 Cover with Quince Seeds, Store Food Safely
二等獎 印度 A Novel study of the Bio-Pesticidal Properties of Annona reticulata
三等獎 泰國 Foot Deodorant Stickers Made from Silver Nanoparticles
三等獎 烏克蘭 Dependence of Intestinal Microbiota of White Rats on the Effects of Glyphosate, Saccharin and Sodium Benzoate
三等獎 韓國 K-Cellulose Mask
三等獎 墨西哥 Reuse Nutshell to Prevent the Production of Saltpeter in Building Structures
三等獎 意大利 Is a sweeter carnation… also more colourful?
三等獎 俄羅斯 Panovit – Fodder Protein of Microbial Synthesis
三等獎 瑞典 Adiponectin and BAT – Structure and Morphology of Brown Adipose Tissue in Adiponectin Transgenic Mice
三等獎 瑞典 The Mystery of Bockstensmannen – A Study in Decomposition of Organic Material
優異獎 烏克蘭 Chemical Dispenser
優異獎 巴西 The Periodic Table: A Scientific, Inclusive and Technological Development Instrument
優異獎 北馬其頓 „ Natural Homemade Topical Pain Relief Ointment“Anti-dolore Cream
優異獎 烏克蘭 Study of Efficiency of Corrosion Inhibitors Properties Created on the Basis of Plant Raw Materials in Different Environments
優異獎 韓國 Characteristics of Lichen Symbiotic Microorganisms and their Industrial Application
優異獎 韓國 Effect of Phospholipase A2 from Honey Bee Venom on 5-Fluorouracil Drug Sensitivity on Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines
優異獎 印度尼西亞 Catfish Cultivation Using PaSiPung Pellets (Papaya Leaves, Rice, and Fish Meal)
優異獎 墨西哥 Use of the Opuntia ficus-indica as a Coagulant for Wastewater Treatment
優異獎 瑞典 The Antimicrobial Effect of Beehive Products
優異獎 土耳其 Recovering Wounds with Pennyroyal
優異獎 印尼 Harvesting Ai Aning: Conservation of Sumbawa Honey by Analysis of Honeycomb and Migration of Apis dorsata
優異獎 印尼 Innovation of Green Biodiesel by Transesterfication Reaction of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larva Fat with CaO Catalyst from Pila Ampullacea Shells
優異獎 泰國 Investigation of the Chitokram Umbrella for Mold and UV Protections



獎項 國家 作品名稱
最高榮譽大獎-金獎 美國 Sanjeevani: A Novel Automated System for Hospital Acquired Infection Monitoring and Prevention
最高榮譽大獎-金獎 香港 C.A.R.D. – Augmented Reality Game for Identifying Early-age School Kids with Dyslexia
最高榮譽大獎-銀獎 卡塔爾 Eye-tracking Powered Wheelchair
最高榮譽大獎-銀獎 瑞典 Using Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms for Natural Language Processing to Analyze the Emotions of Gender in Literature and Songs
最高榮譽大獎-銅獎 印度 Robovid20: A Novel Robotic Arm for Social Distancing, Using Tele-operation, Pneumatic Actuators and Haptic Technology to Give a Sense of Touch to the User.
最高榮譽大獎-銅獎 新加坡 Stool Recognition for Colorectal Cancer Detection through Deep Learning
一等獎 香港 Super Skin
一等獎 羅馬尼亞 Life Saver
一等獎 南非 Development of a Position and Orientation Sensor for Robotics
一等獎 泰國 Car Accident Monitoring and Prevention System Using Driver’s Drowsiness Detection
一等獎 菲律賓 Juan Wheel: Automated – Hybrid Powered Wheelchair Made of Bamboo
一等獎 韓國 Smart Knee Brace Diagnostic Device Built on Arduino-Enhanced Joint Evaluation Algorithm
二等獎 澳門 Prediction Dyslexia with Machine Learning and Using Mobile Based Eye Tracker
二等獎 印度 IndivHear: An Inexpensive Smartphone-based Individualized Adaptive Hearing Aid Using Deep Learning
二等獎 愛爾蘭 Using Machine Learning to Improve Numerical Weather Prediction
二等獎 土耳其 Contactless and Non-destructive Detection of Chicken Meat Contamination with Laser Speckle Method
二等獎 烏克蘭 Investigation of Self-oscillations in Hydrodynamic Systems
二等獎 南非 Solar Heater – Sole
二等獎 捷克 Blob birth zone Position in the Edge Plasma of Tokamak GOLEM
二等獎 印度 Earthquake Magnitude and b-value Prediction Model using Extreme Learning Machine
三等獎 卡塔爾 A Novel Design for Wind Turbine to Harvest Air from Four Directions in Urban Spa
三等獎 卡塔爾 Automated Fluid Handling Machine
三等獎 土耳其 The Effect of Nitinol and Metal Flexibility on Vehicle Reliability
三等獎 阿聯酋 – 迪拜 Deaf Sound Tracker – DST
三等獎 泰國 Biodegradable Cushioning Foam from Natural Composite Rubber and Extracted Cellulose Coated on 3D Mold for Laboratory Glassware
三等獎 韓國 Securing QR Codes: Implementation of Data Integrity System of QR Codes by Applying Hash
三等獎 韓國 Curve Optimization Using Curvature Based Models with Calculus of Variations
三等獎 新加坡 Gait Monitoring and Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease Patients
三等獎 泰國 Real-time Monitoring of Iron Oxide-Based Magnetic Nanoparticles for Escherichia coli Detection in Vitro using a High Sensitivity Magnetic Impedance Sensor
三等獎 越南 Iron Oxide Nanoparticle for Local Heating in Cancer Treatment
優異獎 烏克蘭 Autonomic Heating Gloves
優異獎 愛爾蘭 Specs – A Wearable Smart Device for Dementia Patients
優異獎 卡塔爾 Design and Development of Silicon based Air Actuated Soft Robot Hand for Prosthetic Application
優異獎 卡塔爾 Carbon and Dust Capture for Qatar Construction Sites
優異獎 卡塔爾 Utilization of Humidity for Cleaning Solar Panels in Qatar
優異獎 澳門 Using Smart Buoys to Build the Global Four-in-one Internet of Things
優異獎 俄羅斯 System for Controlling Thermometry and Hand Treatment with the Dispenser Anticovid-19
優異獎 印尼 An Innovation of Patient Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation Analysis and Monitoring Technology Based On Internet of Things Technology In Pressing The Transmission of Covid-19
優異獎 印尼 Transporter with Internet of Things (IoT) Based Camera
優異獎 印尼 SOMATA (Pattern detection on guiding blocks for the visually impaired)
優異獎 南非 A Hand Prosthesis Controlled by Electromyography
優異獎 南非 Detection and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia Using Machine Learning
優異獎 越南 Predicting COVID-19 Trends in Vietnam Using Mathematical Models
優異獎 越南 Fabrication and Characterization of Fe2O3 Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery Application
優異獎 愛爾蘭 Image Analysis of Rehabilitating Patients』 Exercise to Measure and Improve Recovery
優異獎 南非 Angle of Attack of an Aircraft Wing
優異獎 澳門 The Application of Phyphox in Vehicle Stability Research of the Public Transportation in Macao
優異獎 越南 Synthesis ZnO nanoparticles for Solar Cells Application


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