「世界青年科學及科技碗」總決賽圓滿結束 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups


來自香港協恩中學的隊伍憑「Study On The Anti-reflux Ability Of Chinese Yam Using Novel Gastro-oesophageal Model」奪得生物及化學組別的金獎

香港青年協會創意教育組首創「世界青年科學及科技碗2020」(Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl, GYSTB 2020),鼓勵學生運用科學知識,以創新方法解決社會問題。總決賽於8月1日網上舉行,92支海外與本地中學生隊伍展示科學和科技推動社會創新的點子,其中7隊香港代表出戰總決賽並勇奪兩項榮譽大獎,成績驕人。


來自香港協恩中學的隊伍以作品「Study On The Anti-reflux Ability Of Chinese Yam Using Novel Gastro-oesophageal Model」脫穎而出成爲生物及化學組別的金獎,隊伍設計出嶄新的實驗方法,利用胃部模型模擬胃酸倒流情況,研究淮山能否取代現時藥物,紓緩胃酸倒流徵狀。而物理及工程組別的金獎則是由來自愛爾蘭的Ruth Madden以作品「The Microplastic Filter – A Small Solution to a Global Problem」奪得,隊伍以家用洗衣機產生的污水為研究對象,設計出次世代的微塑膠過濾裝置,立志改善全球污水問題。 [比賽結果詳見附錄]






「世界青年科學及科技碗2020」(Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl, GYSTB 2020) 由香港青年協會創意教育組創辦,創新科技署為支持機構。比賽旨在為學生提供一個國際舞台,向大眾展示科學研究或發明品,並從中獲得互相交流的珍貴機會,提高青少年對科學與科技的興趣,啓發他們的科技潛能,以創新思維協力解決社會問題。





 獎項 國家/地區 作品名稱
金獎 香港 Study On The Anti-reflux Ability Of Chinese Yam Using Novel Gastro-oesophageal Model
銀獎 菲律賓 Detection by Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization, And Drug Resistance Profile of Putative Enteropathogenic Salmonella spp. Isolated from Pampanga River, Philippines
銅獎 新加坡 Synthesis of Magnetic Carbonised Banana Peel as a Versatile and Reusable Adsorbent for Water Purification
一等獎 愛爾蘭 An R&D Study On Using A Nutrient Treatment Biofilter to Combat Oceanic and Freshwater Deadzones Which Harnesses The Intrinsic Potential Of Halophyte Species
一等獎 土耳其 New Approach to Food Packaging: Antimicrobial and Edible Materials
一等獎 南非 Puffer Jacket: An Alternative for Anxiety Relief
一等獎 印尼 Extraction of Amylase Enzyme From Fruit Waste Used As A Catalyst To Enhance Carbohydrate-waste Based Bioethanol Production
二等獎 韓國 Development of Artificial Epidermis Using Collagen Film and Keratinocyte Cell line for Personalized Allergy Tester
二等獎 菲律賓 Characterization of (Solanum tuberosum) Potato – Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra) Composite Film for Intelligent Packaging Applications
二等獎 香港 Feasibility of Using Microbes to Grow 「Textile Material」
二等獎 土耳其 Development of Nanoparticle based Colorimetric Method for Lead Detection
二等獎 香港 Super Glue for Tree Defect
二等獎 土耳其 Production of Orodispersible Nanofiber Pharmaceuticals for Pediatric and Newborn Patients With Electrospinning Method
三等獎 土耳其 A New Design for Increasing Effectiveness and Economy of Drugs by Using Original Smart Structures
三等獎 土耳其 The Preparation of Medical Textile Products With Properties That Tree Barks Have By Using Micro-encapsulation Method
三等獎 印尼 Healthy And Biodegradable Sanitary Pad Using Super Absorbent Polymer From Orange Peel, Patchouli Twig, And Coconut Husk For Sustainable Green Innovation
三等獎 南非 Polymer Bioplastic
三等獎 新加坡 Biodegradation of Bisphenol A (BPA) Using Chlorella Fusca
三等獎 土庫曼 Ecologically Safe and Feasible Particle Boards


三等獎 土耳其 An Investigation On The Effects Of Propolis And Curcuma Longa On Cancer, Observing Their Impacts on Vascular Formation and Chicken Embryos Growth
三等獎 泰國 The Study of Life Cycle, Some Behaviors and Ecological Role of Spotted Tortoise Beetle (Aspidomorpha milliaris)
三等獎 印尼 Innovation of an Alternative Natural Clothing Bleach From Extract of Lemon (Citrus limon) and Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) Peel Wastes
三等獎 韓國 A Study On the Bionic Value of Japanese Sea Cucumber (Apostichopus Japonicus) By Biostructure Analysis
優異獎 印尼 Invention of PUFFI-KIT As A Survival Kit To Prevent Sustenance Scarcity And Urgent Health Problems During Hiking Of Mountaineering
優異獎 斯洛伐克 Development And Production Of Orthosis By Additive Technologies
優異獎 印尼 Potential Scrubbing Mangrove Seeds Xylocarpus Moluccensis on Wooden Vessels That Lean as a Method of Reducing Population Density Teredo Shipworm
優異獎 菲律賓 Quorum Quenching Activity Assessment on Ganoderma sp. Ethanolic Extract against Escherichia coli ATC25922 through Microtiter Biofilm Formation Assay


優異獎 菲律賓 Alternative Pharmaceutical Liquid Preservative from Tamarindus indica (Tamarind) Pulp Extracts
優異獎 印尼 Effectiveness of the Combination of Water Hyacinth Cellulose Acetate Membrane, Corncob-based Coagulant and Activated Carbon in Decreasing Hardness and Mercury Ion (Hg2+) of Mandor River Water Compared to Alum
優異獎 土耳其 Three Dimensional (3D) Printed Microfluidic Pump (MFP) for Medical Field
優異獎 香港 Revolutionary Discovery of Hair
優異獎 印尼 Utilization of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) Starch and D-Limonene from Extraction of Tangerine Orange (Citrus reticulata) for The Production of Biodegradable Plastic
優異獎 菲律賓 Effects of Gibberellic Acid-3 and 6-Benzylaminopurine In Increasing The Sugar Content in Stevia Rebaudiana Through an In-vitro Tissue Culture Technique
優異獎 伊朗 The Role of Zinc Ferrite And Iron Oxide Nanoparticles To Remove Contaminants From Contaminated Water
優異獎 印尼 Vastric (Vanname Shrimp for Electric) Control and Monitoring Shrimp Waste’s Bioremediation as Bioelectricity based on MFCs
優異獎 土耳其 Biotechnological Potential of Anatolian Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera Anatoliaca) Venom in Cancer Research




 獎項 國家/地區 作品名稱
金獎 愛爾蘭 The Microplastic Filter – A Small Solution to a Global Problem
銀獎 菲律賓 Hibla: An Alternative Sound Absorption Material
銅獎 香港 A.I. CAMe
南非 Voice Control Wheelchair
一等獎 澳門 Graphene & Sludge Water Purification System
一等獎 烏克蘭 「METLA」 – UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) Universal Training Complex
一等獎 土庫曼 Produce Electricity with Wind Pressure Made by Piezoelectric Materials
二等獎 土庫曼 Use of Condensed Molasses Solubles as a Concrete Admixture
二等獎 卡塔爾 Medicine Tracker Device for Improving Medication Adherence
二等獎 墨西哥 Biol: A Social, Economic and Environmental Alternative for Nuevo Leon
二等獎 南非 The Ultra-Drying Tunnel
二等獎 新加坡 Conversion of Rainwater to Electricity in Singapore’s High-Rise Buildings
二等獎 澳門 Inter-turn Short-circuits Fault Detector For Motor Rotor Winding
三等獎 愛爾蘭 Reinventing the Wheel: Development of a Novel Magnetic Motion Device for Omnidirectional Movement


三等獎 泰國 Development of Composite Materials from Natural Rubber with Styrene-Butadiene Rubber and Coconut Husk to Apply as Neutron Particles and Gamma Rays Shields.
三等獎 阿聯酋 Athlete Sodium Tracker – AST
三等獎 南非 Repair of Fatigue Cracking in Wood
三等獎 卡塔爾 Smart School Bus
三等獎 土庫曼 The New Earthquake-Resistant Building Model In Tetrahedral Diamond Structure
三等獎 印尼 Smart Protector: An Innovative Face Shield With Ultrasonic Sensor for Elementary and Junior Student to Minimize COVID-19 Transmission
三等獎 香港 E-care
三等獎 土耳其 Obtaining Electricity Using Cooling Water In Vehicles
三等獎 印尼 The Effects of Anti Corrosion Material Coating on Carbon Steel based on Natural Inhibitors from Bentonite Clay with Matrix Epoxy Resin in Corrosive Mediums
優異獎 南非 LED Car Guard Glove
優異獎 香港 Easy Go
優異獎 印尼 Educational COVID-19 Snake and Ladder Digital Game
優異獎 土耳其 Four Season Optimum Energy Generator Multifunctional Photovoltaic Panel
優異獎 烏克蘭 AI Fresh Station
優異獎 澳門 Helper Farmer


優異獎 卡塔爾 Application of Thermoelectric Generators in Harvesting Solar Energy Using “sandwich” Method to Achieve Higher Overall Efficiency
優異獎 土耳其 “Together Stronger” Energy Support System
優異獎 土耳其 ProTech Wallet
優異獎 印尼 Auto Thanks Mini Robot for a Better Environment (ATM)
優異獎 卡塔爾 Portable Fridge (a helpful solution to cool foods and drinks in off-grid areas using a friendly portable fridge)
優異獎 烏克蘭 RoTaR
優異獎 越南 Fresh Water Condenser from Seawater Using Direct Solar Energy
優異獎 土耳其 Cleaning Oil Pollution in Oceans and Seas with the Smart Eye Method
優異獎 卡塔爾 Using Hydrogels for Agriculture and Flood Defense



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