報名「FinTech未來領袖夏令營」 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups


Start date: 15/06/2021

End date: 27/06/2021

由青協領袖學院舉辦, Finech未來領袖夏令營讓參加者深入瞭解金融服務以及金融科技革新的多種方式。他們將會對金融科技有更深入的認識,參觀金融科技公司,並在工作坊瞭解金融科技產品背後的運作原理,並就如何利用新興技術解決金融行業問題去提出自己的想法。參加者亦會在夏令營期間與同伴一起準備一個金融科技的專題研習活動,培養團隊合作、溝通、說服力和演講等未來技能,從而充實自己。


Organised by The HKFYG Leadership Institute, the Fintech Future Leaders Summer Camp is a unique opportunity to gain insights of both financial services and the plethora of ways that technology is overhauling the industry.  Participants will develop a deep appreciation for FinTech, visit amazing Fintech companies who are changing the world, get hands-on experience with technology workshops to see how things work under the hood, and even come up with own ideas about how emergent technology can be used to solve all sorts of problems.  Beyond these wonderful learning opportunities, participants will enrich themselves through working on an exciting pitch event throughout the camp with peers, where they will develop soft skills such as teamwork, communication, persuasion and presentation.


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