「自主‧創出路」技能轉型培訓計劃 – 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups


Start date: 19/10/2021

End date: 30/10/2021

滙豐香港滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃2021社區夥伴計劃2021支持,香港青年協會領袖學院將舉辦全新項目 — 「自主‧創出路」技能轉型培訓計劃,為100名18-35歲青年提供未來技能培訓及實戰經驗,協助技能轉型並提升抗逆力,讓青年在經濟模式多變的環境下擴闊就業機會,積極應對「零工經濟」下的新常態。


計劃為期六個月,分四個階段:網上研討會、周末市集、多元技能培訓工作坊、營運網店及市集,參與研討會及培訓工作坊的學員更有機會獲得LinkedIn Learning 學習平台帳戶,培養學員自主學習的能力及習慣。


計劃的首個「後疫情技術轉型」網上研討會將於10月30日舉行,主題演講嘉賓包括:LinkedIn北亞區公共事業部負責人黃榮錕先生;Generation Hong Kong行政總裁鄭浩維先生;香港青年創業家總商會主席謝海發先生及香港青年協會領袖學院總監黃好儀女士等人力市場專家與多位創業達人,將剖析市場發展的趨勢,並講解後疫情時代最重要的未來技能。



日期 : 2021年10月30日 (星期六)
時間 : 第一場 – 上午11時30分至下午12時30分 ; 第二場 – 下午3時至4時



Supported by HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2021, The HKFYG Leadership Institute will organise a brand-new training series – 「Own My Path」 Skills Transformation Training Programme to boost 100 young people aged 18 to 35 with future skills training and practical vocational experiences. The Programme will help them adapt to the new normal of the “gig economy”, thus transforming their core skills, strengthening resilience, and broadening their career potential in the post-pandemic era.


The six-month Programme comprises four elements: webinars, a weekend bazaar, future skills workshops and hands-on practice of running online shops and market stalls. Participants who have completed the webinar and workshops will receive a LinkedIn Learning account, cultivating their self-leadership ability and independent learning habits.


The first 「Post-pandemic Skills Transformation」 Webinar will be held on 30 October. Market experts, including Mr Ivan Wong, Public Sector Head (North Asia) at LinkedIn; Mr Brian Cheng, CEO of Generation Hong Kong; Mr Calvin Tse, Chairman & Founding Director of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Young Entrepreneurs; Ms Miranda Wong, Director of The HKFYG Leadership Institute, and also successful start-up founders will share their views on the latest job market trends and expected skills needs for the future of work.


Target: Young people aged 18-35 
Date: 30 October 2021 (Satuarday) 
Time: 1st session: 11:30-12:30 ; 2nd session: 15:00-16:00


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